9 September 2012
Call to Order: A regular meeting of the VFW post 3280 Riders Group was held on 9 September 2012. The meeting convened at 1605 hrs, Brian Sapp presiding, Rick Withers, secretary.
Roll Call of Officers: |
| Present: | 3 |
| Excused: | 2 |
| Absent: | 1 |
Approval of minutes: Because not all present were able to review the minutes on-line, the minutes from the August 2012 meeting were read and approved.
Treasurer's Report: |
| Funds on Hand: |
| | Beginning Balance | $1,483.93 |
| | | Receipts |
| | | | Dues | $20.00 | |
| | | Total Receipts | $20.00
| | | Expenses | |
| | | | Bank Fee | $4.88 | |
| | | Total Expenses | ($4.88)
| | Ending Balance | $1,499.05 |
| | | |
| Paid Members | 26 |
Old business:
Group “Sweet Treat” rides are curtailed until Spring. (Closed)
New business:
High visibility T-shirts have been purchased by a couple of members. The group would like to have everyone who is interested in purchasing a couple shirts with the group logo to contact Brian with information concerning color, size and quantity. We would like to place 1 large order to eliminate shipping fees. We also intend to purchase 2 extra to display in the Post. A link has been placed on the 3280 MRG Facebook page.
It was suggested the group purchase a number of lapel pins with our logo. Brian will research and report on the costs at the next meeting. (Open)
The Golden Aspen Rally in Ruidoso starts 12 August and runs through the 16th.
The annual Veteran’s Day parade is scheduled for 10 November. All members are encouraged to participate.
Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 1630 hrs.